I have been a recipient of many awards, but ENCORE Award is especially close to my heart. This is because it is only given to about 10-12 students per year. It has a lot of competition and is awarded by the Class of 1989 to students with exceptional all round skills and talent.
I was awarded the prestiguous Rakesh Agrawal Excellence Award by IIT Roorkee Heritage Foundation, an initiative by alumni of IIT Roorkee. I was awarded the certificate along with a cheque of INR 10,000/- by distinguished alumni of IIT Roorkee.
Below are pics from the Heritage Awards Ceremony 2022 held on February 18, 2023:
I am also a recipient of Reliance Foundation Scholarship for the year 2022. It is awarded on the basis of excellence, leadership potential, integrity, community commitment, growth mindset and courage
While the procedure of the scholarship has changed, in my year it was awarded to only 60 meritorious Undergraduate students. I was also a pre-finalist in the IAEA
student video contest-2022. The certificate for this can be found below as well:
To know more about RFScholarships,click on this
I was a Gold Winner in the Zuno Fellowship Test conducted during Jan-Feb 2023. My certificate is given below:
I have also been selected for the prestigious Wooble Legacy Scholarship Program. The award letter can be found below: